
samedi 18 février 2012

The bimatière dress

Café aux Abesses

Abesses is one of my favourite place in Paris, it's my home  i lived there so i always see people i know, it's like a little village  with lot of young people , most artist, and a lot of my favourite shop: Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot... we went take a cafe with my friend elodie and guess who we saw??? well Abesses it's so lovely, that  famous people lived there. And so we saw, first, Melanie Thierry ,  a famous  actress, then Arthur Dupont, an another famous french actor and to finish Raphael! The so beautiful Singer! But unfortunately i didn't take pictures of them! Because one of the reason why they lived here , in abesses, is that the people let them alone, they didn't disturb them and i am understand with taht .So i didn't want to be the paparazzi who take them in photos , if all the peopole will do that they won't lived here. So we just saw and look and them with all dream in our head...

PS: the dress i wore is the dress that i tell you i bought in Cos, At the new boutique in le Marais, so beautiful! with lot of cool and nice boy! The dress is a little strange but beautiful : it's a bimatiere dress  transparent up and down  in tweed so it's strange because the weight is different !!!

I wear:  Cos Dress ( Bimatière), New Look loafers, Allisson Bag, Zara Coat, H&M faux fur Collar

Arthur Dupont

Melanie Thierry

Raphaël Haroche

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